Micro loans Toward financial inclusive to helps women build a better future for themselves and their families prosperity
We offer smaller loans to individuals to start new business or expand existing one. Our microloans program allow families to pursue income generating activities and enable them provide for their families.
The strength of women + the power of smaller loan creates a world without poverty and hunger.
We know that a secure source of income can be truly transformational for families and their communities. With a loan of $100 a woman is able to start a business or expand on existing one. We work with women and their communities to identify opportunities within business that deliver living incomes.We create unique solutions to local challenges that are designed to build inclusive, resilient economies. We provide tools as a leverage to our investment, and the investments made by communities themselves.
Empowering women is very important because women are the backbone of every household economics. In most communities women do the bulk of the work to produce, process and market food. Rural women are highly engaged in agriculture and rural economies, as laborers, producers for the market and their households, and key consumers. However, meeting the needs of rural women is a largely untapped opportunity for every aspect of service providers. Equitable food and financial systems require rethinking the role of women as producers and consumers. At Sabu Help International, we recognize the talents of women and work to promote inclusive agriculture-driven prosperity.